This function creates an HTML tag with the appropriate number of stars, as well as an accessibility label.
label = round(rating, 1),
aria_label = paste("The rating is", round(rating, 1), "out of five stars"),
label_pos = "left",
star_size = NULL,
star_color = NULL,
star_background = NULL
rating | rating out of five |
label | text to display in tag, defaults to the rating rounded to one decimal place |
aria_label | accessibility label for text |
label_pos | "left" or "right" - position of label relative to stars |
star_size | CSS font-size for star background, default is to inherit from |
star_color | CSS colour for stars, default is to inherit from |
star_background | CSS colour for star background, default is to inherit from |
an html tag that renders a star rating out of five
#> <style>:root {
#> --star-size: larger;
#> --star-background: #999;
#> --star-color: #fc0;
#> }
#> .fivestars {
#> --percent: calc(var(--rating)/5 * 100%);
#> /* display: inline-block; */
#> font-size: var(--star-size);
#> line-height: 1;
#> }
#> .fivestars::before {
#> content: '\2605\2605\2605\2605\2605';
#> background: linear-gradient(90deg, var(--star-color) var(--percent),
#> var(--star-background) var(--percent));
#> -webkit-background-clip: text;
#> -webkit-text-fill-color: transparent;
#> }</style>
#> <div>
#> 3.5
#> <span class="fivestars" style="--rating: 3.5;" aria-label="The rating is 3.5 out of five stars"></span>
#> </div>